Auxiliary Adjective (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)
Auxiliary adjective indicates resemblance of something/someone to something/someone or indicates how something/someone appears to speaker/writer. | Like; look like |
【Related Expression: ようだ; みたいだ; かのように】 | |
(ksa). 人生は旅のごとし。
Life is like a journey.
(ksb). その無謀な行為は火中に飛び込む{が/かの}ごとし。
Acting recklessly like that is like jumping into the fire.
(ksc). 彼女はモナリザのごとくいつも微笑んでいる。
She is like Mona Lisa, always smiling.
(ksd). x氏は超人のごとき人だ。
Mr. X is like a superman.
(kse). 彼女は僕のことを全然覚えていないかのごとき様子だった。
She looked as if she didn't remember me at all.
(i)Nounの | ごとし | |
魚のごとし | Someone/something is like (a) fish | |
(iii)Vinformal nonpast{が/かの} | ごとし | |
夢見る{が/かの} | It is like dreaming/as if someone were dreaming | |
(iii)Noun(か)の | ごとく | |
魚のごとく泳ぐ | Someone swims like a fish | |
魚かのごとく泳ぐ | Someone swims as if he/she were a fish | |
(iv)Noun(か)の | ごとき | |
夢のごとき人生 | Life like a dream | |
夢かのごとき人生 | Life like a dream | |
(v){Vinformal nonpast/Nounである}{が/かの} | ごときNoun | |
山に登る{が/かの}ごとき人生 | Life like climbing a mountain | |
夢である{が/かの}ごとき人生 | Life like a dream |
(a). 光陰矢のごとし。
Time flies like an arrow. (literally: Time is like an arrow.)
(b). 人生は航海のごとし。
Life is like a voyage.
(c). 東京人は万人走っているかのごとし。
Tokyoites all look as if they were always running.
(d). 日本の経済は、上述のごとく、今後しばらくは回復しない見込みである。
As stated above, the Japanese economy is not expected to recover for some time.
(e). 彼女は女王のごとく芸能界に君臨している。
She dominates the show business world as if she were a queen.
(f). 課長は当然のごとく女性の職員にお茶くみをさせている。
The section chief has female staff members serve tea as if it were in their job description (literally: as if it were a matter of course).
(g). 夢のごとき新婚生活の後に悲劇が訪れた。
Their dream-like, newly-wedded bliss was followed by tragedy.
(h). 彼は平社員なのに社長であるかのごとき言動をするのでみんなに嫌われている。
He is just a regular employee, but he talks and acts as if he were the president, so nobody likes him.
(i). 皮膚の色だけで差別するがごとき行為は絶対にあってはならぬ。
Behaviour such as discriminating against people merely on the basis of skin colour simply shouldn't exist.
(j). 子供が大人のような犯罪を犯すがごとき風潮は何が原因なのだろうか。
I wonder what causes trends such as children committing adult crimes.