㊤ 同士 ←

→ ㊤ ~が~なら

㊤ が早いか

Conjunction (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A conjunction indicating that as soon as something happens, something else happens. As soon as; the moment; no sooner~ than
【Related Expression: や否や】

Key Sentences

(ks). 彼は朝起きるが早いか、シャワーを浴びた。

As soon as he woke up he took a shower.


Vinformal nonpast が早いか  
食べるが早いか As soon as someone ate


(a). 彼女は日本に着くが早いか友人に電話をかけた。

The moment she arrived in Japan she called her friend.

(b). 彼は私がいるのを見るが早いか、部屋を出て行ってしまった。

As soon as he saw me, he left the room.

(c). 猫は鼠を捕まえるが早いか、食べ始めた。

The moment the cat caught the mouse, it started to eat it.

(d). 電車はジョンが乗るが早いか、動き始めた。

As soon as John got on the train, it started to move.

(e). ディーンは奇麗な女の子を見かけるが早いか、近寄って行って話しかけた。

No sooner did Dean see the pretty girl than he approached her and started talking to her.

(f). 子供たちはパンが焼けるが早いか、全部食べてしまった。

As soon as the bread was baked, the children ate it all.

(g). ひったくりは金を奪うが早いか、自転車で逃げた。

As soon as the thief (literally: snatcher) snatched my money, he fled by bike.

Note image

㊤ 同士 ←

→ ㊤ ~が~なら