Structure (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)
A structure that indicates that s.t. is not necessarily the way the speaker/writer thought. | (not) necessarily; (not) always |
【Related Expression: 必ずしも~ない】 | |
(ks). 彼の推理もあながち間違っていないのかもしれない。
His guess may not necessarily be wrong.
あながち~ない | |
あながち間違いではない | ~isn't necessarily wrong |
(a). バーチャル指揮者ソフトが売れているところを見ると、一度は指揮者になってみたいというのは、あながち僕だけの願望ではないらしい。
Judging by how well virtual conducting software has been selling, apparently I'm not necessarily the only one who'd like to try orchestra conducting at least once in my life.
(b). 最後の一章はやや蛇足とも思えるが、そのエピソードは読んでいて気分がいい。ということはあながち蛇足とは言えないということか。
I felt like the last chapter wasn't quite necessary, but it feels good to read it. So, I guess it's not so superfluous after all.
(c). 皮膚のpHが体調によっても変わるとすれば、「気分次第で色が変わる口紅」というのもあながち嘘ではない。
If it's true that the pH of your skin changes depending on your health, then “the lipstick that changes its colour depending on your mood” isn't necessarily a lie.
(d). 完全に男女平等な社会が来るのは困るというのも、あながち偽った気持ちではない。
It wouldn't be a total lie for me to say I would have difficulty with a society in which men and women are completely equal.
(e). この俳優の演技はうまいが、時々違和感を覚えるのは、あながち演出のせいとばかりは言えない。
This actor is talented, but sometimes his performances come off a little strange, and I don't think it's necessarily always the fault of the producer.
(f). 生死の境をさまよっていた人が手術中の会話を鮮明に覚えていたりすることから、幽体離脱現象もあながち否定できない。
Since some people who've come close to dying say that they can clearly recall what was being said around them while they were on the operating table, we can't simply deny the occurrence of out-of-body experiences.