㊤ あえて ←

→ ㊤ あくまでも

㊤ あげく(に)


An adverb/conjunction indicating that one spends an extended period of time before reaching a result. in the end; finally; eventually; after
【Related Expression: 上で; すえ(に); 結果】

Key Sentences

(ksa). さんざん考えたあげく(に)大学院へ進学するとにした。

After thinking for a long time, I decided to go on to graduate school.

(ksb). 彼女の離婚は数年悩んだあげくの決断だった。

Her divorce was a decision she made after agonizing for several years.


(i) Vinformal past あげく(に)  
  話したあげく(に) After someone talked
(ii) Vinformal past あげくのNoun  
  考えたあげくの決断 A decision made after deliberation


(a). 私はさんざん悩んだあげくに最初に勤めていた会社を辞めた。

I quit the company where I first worked after thinking very hard (about what to do).

(b). 彼はアジア、ヨーロッパ、北米などいろいろな国の女性とつき合ったあげくに、結局は生涯独身で過ごした。

He dated women from various countries in Asia, Europe and North America, but in the end he spent his entire life single.

(c). 妻はあの靴がいい、この靴がいいと、いろいろと履いてみたあげくに、どれも買わずに店を出た。

Saying "I like this one" or "I like that one," my wife tried on all sorts of shoes, but after all that, she left the store without buying any of them.

(d). 山田は私の車を一か月も使ったあげく、返す時お礼の一言も言わなかった。

After using my car for a whole month, Yamada didn't even say a word of thanks when he returned it.

(e). さんざん迷ったあげく、一年休職してアメリカに留学することにした。

After weighing my options for a long time, I finally decided to take a one-year leave from my company to study abroad in the U.S.

(f). 彼女は既婚の男性との恋に溺れたあげくに、自分の人生を台無しにしてしまった。

After falling in love with a married man, her own life was in ruins.

(g). どのテレビを買おうかと迷ったあげく、何も買わずに帰ってしまった。

I couldn't decide which television I should buy, so (in the end) I went home without buying any.

(h). 彼が自殺したのはよくよく悩みぬいたあげくのことだったのであろう。

It must have been after really agonizing that he committed suicide.

(i). 無料のネットサービスには、登録時に住所、氏名、電話番号、生年月日、あげくの果てには学歴、年収、家族構成など、様々な個人情報を要求してくるものがある。

There are some free Internet services that require at the time of registration your address, name, telephone number, date of birth, and at the end, all sorts of personal information such as educational background, annual income and family size, etc.


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㊤ あえて ←

→ ㊤ あくまでも