㊤ んばかり(に) ←

→ ㊤ にひきかえ

㊤ 願う・願います


A verb that expresses a polite request. Please; ask (for)
【Related Expression: Verb て下さい; をVerb ます下さい】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 初めに、これだけは必ずお読み願います

Please be sure to read at least this (part) first.

(ksb). 禁煙にご協力願います

Thank you for not smoking (literally: Please cooperate with us in non-smoking).


(i)おVます 願います  
お書き願います Please write it
お待ち願います Please carry/take/bring it
(ii)ごVN 願います Where VN=Sino-Japanese compound
ご報告願います Please report it
ご教授願います Please teach me


(a). ご相談・ご意見・ご質問などがありましたら、下記へお知らせ願います

If you have opinions, questions, or requests for advice (literally: If there are things on which you want to consult us, your opinions and your questions), please contact us at the following (address).

(b). 当オンラインショップで商品をご注文いただく場合は、まず最初にカタログページからご希望の商品をお選び願います

When you place an order for merchandise at this online shop, please first select the merchandise you want from the catalogue pages.

(c). この喫煙所は、入院しておられる患者さんの施設です。外来の方々は利用できませんのでご了承願います

This smoking room is for hospitalized patients' use, so please be advised (literally: understand) that outpatients are not allowed to use it.

(d). 応募に際しては、以下の書類をEメールまたは郵便にてご送付願います

When you apply, please send the following documents by e-mail or regular mail.

(e). 電車とホームの間が広く空いています。足元にご注意願います

There is a wide gap between the train and the platform. Please watch your step.

(f). 学術研究を目的とする方以外の当研究所図書館の利用はご遠慮願います

Please refrain from using this laboratory library for any purpose other than academic research. (literally: Those whose purpose is other than academic research are asked not to use this laboratory's library.)

Note image

㊤ んばかり(に) ←

→ ㊤ にひきかえ