A dependent noun that means something is worth someone's effort. | Worth; meaning; effect; result |
(ksa). 日本語をよく勉強したかいがあって、日本語関係の会社に就職することができた。
It was worth studying Japanese hard because (literally: and) I was able to get a Japan-related job.
(ksb). 社員一同の努力のかいがあって一時低調だった会社も上向きになった。
The combined efforts of the company employees paid off, and the company, which had been in a slump for a while, started improving.
(ksc). あなたにとって生きがいとは何ですか。
What makes life worth living for you?
(ksd). 彼は東南アジア諸国の旅行中、毎日詳しく日記をつけておいた。そのかいがあって、日本に戻って旅行記を書く時にとても書きやすかった。
He kept a detailed diary during his trip to South East Asia. It paid off, as (literally: and) it made it easy for him to write his travelogue when he returned to Japan.
(i)Vinformal | 甲斐が{ある/ない} | |
来た甲斐がある | It is worth coming here; coming here pays off | |
薬を飲んでいる甲斐がない | It isn't worth taking medicine | |
(ii)Nounの | 甲斐が{ある/ない} | |
徹夜の甲斐がある | Something is worth staying up all night for/staying up all night pays off | |
勉強の甲斐がない | Something isn't worth studying | |
(iii)Vます | 甲斐 | |
やり甲斐 | Meaning/worth in doing something | |
(iv)Sentence1 | その甲斐があって、Sentence2 | |
毎日運動をした。その甲斐があって、体重がだいぶ減った。 | I exercised every day. And I was worth it; I lost quite a bit of weight |
(a). 一生懸命やったかいがあって、マラソン大会ごとに順位が上がってきました。
My efforts paid off, and I finished higher in the ranking with each race.
(b). 寒い中待っていたかいがあって、見事な日の出を見ることができた。
Waiting in the cold paid off, as I was able to see a wonderful sunrise.
(c). せっかく富士山に登ったのに頂上からは下が全然見えず、登ったかいがなかった。
I climbed Mt. Fuji with great effort, but I couldn't see anything from the summit, so it wasn't worth the climb.
(d). 弟は看病のかい(も)なく五歳の短い生涯を閉じた。
In spite of all the medical care (he received), my little brother's life ended when he was only five.
(e). 辛抱のかいがあって、運が開けた。
My perseverance paid off, and my fortunes have changed for the better.
(f). この大学の学生はよく勉強するから、本当に教えがいがある。
The students of this college study so hard that they are really worth teaching.
(g). 私の料理をおいしく食べてくれる人がいるから、作りがいがあるのです。
Because there are people who enjoy eating my cooking, it is worth doing it.
(h). 交通事故で脚に大怪我をして、毎日リハビリに通うことになった。そのかいがあって、今では元どおり歩けるようになった。
My legs were injured in a traffic accident, and I went to the hospital for rehabilitation every day. It paid off, and now I can walk as before.