A phrase that indicates there is a large number of things, people, etc. | Many; tens/thousands/etc. of~ |
(ksa). 私は日本へは何回も行ったことがあるが、韓国と中国はまだだ。
I have been to Japan many times, but I've never been to Korea or China.
(ksb). 私は日本語の辞書何十冊も持っている。
I have dozens of Japanese dictionaries.
(ksc). 私は今までに何百人もの認知症患者を診察した。
To date I have (medically) examined hundreds of Alzheimer's patients.
(i)何 | (Number)+Counterも | |
何(千)人も | Many people/thousands of people | |
何(百)冊も | Many volumes/hundreds of volumes | |
(ii)何 | (Number)+CounterものNoun | |
何(百)人もの学生 | Many students/hundreds of students | |
何(十)もの猫 | Many cats (literally: tens of cats) |
(a). マンガ図書館に何万冊も在庫があっても、人気が高いマンガだと、誰かに借り出されている可能性が高い。
Even though manga libraries have tens of thousands of books in their collections, it is highly probable that the popular titles have been checked out.
(b). 毎日のように我が家の上空をコウモリが何十匹も乱舞する。
Dozens of bats swarm over (the roof of) our house almost every day.
(c). ヨーロッパには「農家民宿」が何万軒もあり、都会人や観光客を受け入れている。
In Europe, there are tens of thousands of farm houses that offer lodging to city people and tourists.
(d). 人類は、何億年も積み重ねてきた生物としての経験を完全に捨てることなく、動物から人間へと進化した。
Humans evolved from animals without completely discarding all the experience accumulated during hundreds of millions of years as various living organisms.
(e). 我が社のパイロット陣はFAAの承認を得ており、何千時間もの飛行経験を持っています。
The (group of) pilots in our company are FAA accredited and have thousands of hours of flying experience.
(f). 阪神・淡路大震災では、住宅倒壊により何千人もの命が一瞬のうちに奪われた。
In the Hanshin-Awaji Great Earthquake, the lives of thousands of people were taken in an instant when their houses collapsed.