Structure (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)
A structure indicating that something exist at all. | Doesn't exist at all; without |
【Related Expression: 全く~ない; 全然~ない】 | |
(ksa). 彼女は何不自由ない裕福な家庭で育った。
She grew up in a comfortable and rich family without inconveniences.
(ksb). マイケルは何問題なく日本での留学生活を続けている。
Michael is continuing his study abroad in Japan without any problems.
(ksc). あの人は欠点が何一つない。
She doesn't have any weakness.
(i)何 | Noun1ないNoun2 | |
何不自由ない生活 | Life without any inconvenience | |
何不足ない毎日 | Everyday without any shortages | |
(ii)何 | NounなくVerb | |
何不自由なく暮らす | Live without any inconvenience | |
何不足なく暮らす | Live without lacking anything | |
(iii)何 | 一つない | |
長所が何一つない | There isn't a single advantage | |
失敗が何一つない | There aren't any mistakes |
(a). 二人は結婚して、二人だけの蜜月を楽しみ、何不足ない甘い生活を送った。
The couple got married, enjoyed their honeymoon by themselves, and led a charmed life without want.
(b). この会社は、課長をはじめ若い社員が多く、何気兼ねなく話ができる雰囲気だ。
In this company, there are many young employees, including the section chiefs, so it is easy to talk to one another without reserve.
(c). あれだけの財産を手に入れたからには、一生何不都合なく暮らせると彼は思ったのであろうが、それは間違っていたのだ。
He must have thought that once he obtained that much wealth he wouldn't want for anything the rest of his life, but he was wrong.
(d). 日本人のホストファミリーと私は日本語で何不便なく意思疎通ができた。
My Japanese host family and I were able to communicate in Japanese without any inconvenience.
(e). 自然界はすばらしいエコシステムになっていて、そこには無駄な物が何一つないようだ。
The natural world is a wonderful ecological system, and nothing in it seems to be without purpose.
(f). 今は銀行でさえ破綻する時代だ。100%安全なものは実は何一つない。
We are now in an age when even banks fail. In reality, nothing is 100% secure.