An adverb indicating that someone feels that it is too late to do something. | Too late (for/to~); now |
【Related Expression: 今になって】 | |
(ksa). この話は二年も前に話し合ったじゃないか。なんで、今更同じ話を持ち出すんだ。
Didn't we discuss this issue two years back? How come you are bringing it up after such a long time?
(ksb). 今更契約を解消するわけにはいかない。
It is too late to cancel the contract.
(ksc). 今更後悔しても仕方がない。
It is useless now to regret what you have done.
(ksd). この問題を今更議論したところで無意味でしょう。
It would be meaningless to discuss this issue now.
(kse). 卒業してから二十年だが今更ながら母校の教育の質のよさが分かってきた。
It's been 20 years since I graduated, (literally: it is too late) but now l've finally come to appreciate the educational quality of my alma mater.
(i){今更+Wh-word/Wh-word+今更} | +Predicate (Affirmative)(か)。 | |
{今更何が/何が今更}言いたいのか。 | What do you want to say now (at this late date)? | |
(ii)今更 | +Predicate(Negative)。 | |
今更行けない。 | It's too late to go (there) | |
(iii)今更 | {Vても/Vinformal pastところで} +Predicate(Negative)。 | |
今更{見ても/見たところで}仕方がない。 | It is no use looking at it now |
(a). あなたはあの男とはきっぱり別れたはずなのに、今更なんで会おうとしているの。
I thought you had broken up with that guy. Why in the world are you still trying to see him?
(b). 今更ですが、「明けましておめでとうございます」。
I'm afraid it is too late, but let me wish you a Happy New Year.
(c). 今日の講師は皆さんよくご存じの方ですから、今更ご紹介する必要はないとは思いますが…。
All of you know today's lecturer very well, so I believe it is not necessary to introduce him now, but . . .
(d). 会議の日程はすでに全員に電子メールで通知を出したのだから、今更変更することはできない。
Because we have already e-mailed information on the conference schedule to everybody, it is impossible to change it now.
(e). 喜んでプロジェクトに加わりたいと言った手前、今更断れないよ。
Because I told them that I would participate in the project with great pleasure, I can't decline now.
(f). がんがここまで進むと、今更手術をしても治らないと思います。
With the cancer this far advanced, even if I operate now I don't think it will help.
(g). 子供時代に過ごした村を訪ねたいと思っていますが、今更行ったところで、古いものは何も残っていないでしょうね。
I'd like to visit the village where I spent my childhood, but even if I go, I guess nothing of the old times will still be there.
(h). 母親を失って十年、自分も親になってみて、今更ながら、親不孝だったことを反省しています。
It has been 10 years since I lost my mother, and I am now a parent myself. It is too late, but I regret that I was not a devoted son.