A phrase that specifies space or time in/through which someone/something does something. | In the midst of; when; while; through; among |
【Related Expression: ところを; 時に】 | |
(ksa). 冷たい風が{吹く/吹いている}中を10キロも歩いた。
When a cold wind was blowing I walked as much as 10 kilometres.
(ksb). お忙しい中をいらしていただき、申し訳ございません。
Thank you very much (literally: I'm sorry) for coming when you are (so) busy.
(ksc). 赤十字の人たちがハリケーン被災者たちの中を歩き回って食料を配った。
People from the Red Cross walked among the victims of the hurricane and distributed food.
(i)Vinformal nonpast | 中を | |
雨が{降る/降っている}中を | When it is raining | |
(ii)Adjectiveいinformal nonpast | 中を | |
忙しい中を | When someone is busy | |
(iii)Adjectiveなstemな | ||
危険な中を | In the midst of danger | |
(iv)Nounの | 中を | |
嵐の中を | In the midst of a storm |
(a). 子供たちが遊んでいる中を子犬がちょろちょろ走り回っていた。
A puppy was darting around among the kids who were playing.
(b). 公園では、人が集まっている中を、アイスクリーム屋が歩いていた。
In the park, an ice cream seller was walking through the crowd of people.
(c). 雪の降る中を頑張って走っている人を見ていたら、自分が軟弱に思えてきました。
When I watched people out running in the snow, I began to think of myself as fragile and weak.
(d). 私たちが呆然として見ている中を、二人は一つの傘の下に入って行ってしまいました。
As we were watching with astonishment, the two walked away under the same umbrella.
(e). 本日は、雨で足元が大変悪い中を、このようにたくさんの方にご参加いただきまして、誠にありがとうございました。
Thank you very much for coming to this meeting today; it's nice to see so many of you when it is so treacherous to walk due to the rain.
(f). 私だけ門限があるのでパーティーから先に帰ってきたが、楽しい中を抜けて帰るのはとてもつらかった。
I'm the only one with a curfew, so I came home from the party earlier than everyone else. It was hard for me to leave and come home when I was having a good time.
(g). 大人たちは戦後のあの苦しい中を、気力をとり戻して復興に精を出したのだ。
Amidst the post war hardship, the adults retained their spirit and worked diligently to reconstruct the country.
(h). 我々は地震で道路が崩壊する危険な中を車で10時間ぐらい走った。
We drove our car for about 10 hours through hazardous roads which were collapsing around us during the earthquake and aftershocks.
(i). 飛行機は嵐の中を随分と長い間飛んでいるらしく、雲に突っ込むたびに大きく揺れている。
We seem to have been flying through this storm for a very long time, and each time the plane goes into the clouds it shakes quite a bit.