㊤ ものではない ←

→ ㊤ ものか(2)

㊤ ものか (1)

Phrase (usually used in conversation)

A rhetorical question marker that expresses a strong negative intention or disagreement. Definitely not; absolutely not; impossible

Key Sentences

(ksa). あんなやつとは二度と会うものか

I will never see that sort of guy again.

(ksb). A:彼は5年後には自分でコンピュータの会社をつくるって言っているよ。 B:そんなこと彼にできるもんか

A: He says he will establish a computer company by himself in five years. B: I bet he can't. (literally: Can he do it?)


(i){V/Adjectiveい}informal nonpast ものか  
行くものか Someone definitely won't go there
珍しいものか Something definitely isn't rare
(ii){Adjectiveな stem/Noun} ものか  
便利なものか Something is definitely not convenient
病気なものか Someone is absolutely not ill


(a). あんなケチな男とはもうつき合うものか

Who really wants to spend more time with such a stingy fellow?

(b). A:鈴木、TOEFLが650点だったってよ。B:まさか!そんなことがあるもんか

A: I heard that Suzuki got 650 points on the TOEFL. B: Unbelievable! That can't be true.

(c). 世話をしてもお礼の一言も言わないの。あんな人、もう世話をするもんです

She didn't even thank me when I helped her out. Who really wants to help someone like that again?

(d). A:池田先生、親切な先生?B:親切なもんか

A: Is Professor Ikeda a kind teacher? B: Definitely not kind.

(e). A:そのパズル、やさしいんだろう。B:やさしいもんか

A: Isn't that puzzle easy? B: absolutely not.

(f). A:あいつは自分のことをいっぱしの政治家だと思っているようだな。B:あいつは政治家なもんか。政治屋しゃないか。

A: He seems to think that he is a full-fledged politician. B: He is absolutely not a politician. He's just being political.

(g). A:黙って帰ったら彼に悪いだろう。B:かまうもんか

A: It's not right if we go home without saying a word to him, right? B: Who cares?

(h). A:みんな、あの政治家は信頼できるって言っているよ。B:分かるもんか

A: Everybody is saying that politician is reliable. B: How do they know?

Note image

㊤ ものではない ←

→ ㊤ ものか(2)