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㊤ もさることながら

Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A phrase used to mention something important and then introduce something more significant. ~is one thing, but; it is true that~, but; it is the case that~, but; but more importantly

Key Sentences

(ks). この図書館は蔵書の多さもさることながらサービスが実にすばらしい。

This library's large collection of books is one thing (literally: is so, too), but the services they provide are really something else (literally: really wonderful).


NP もさることながら  
教育もさることながら Education is one thing, but


(a). 指圧やマッサージといった「タッチセラピー」が注目されている。身体への直接的な効果もさることながら、安らぎ感や癒しといった心理的な効果も大きいようだ。

"Touch therapies," such as shiatsu and massage, are drawing people's attention. While they have a direct effect on the body (literally: Their direct effect is so, too), apparently their psychological effect, including feelings of relaxation and healing

(b). 高齢化が進むにつれ、認知症老人の介護が問題になっているが、これからは、介護のこともさることながらぼけをいかに予防するかがさらに重要だ。

As the population has aged, the care of senile seniors has become a problem. It is true that from now on care will be an important issue (literally: care is so, too), but the question of how to prevent people from becoming senile is more important.

(c). 障害者向け製品の価格が高いのは、技術的な困難もさることながら市場の小ささが大きな原因になっている。

It is true that the high price of products for the handicapped is (partially) due to technical issues (literally: technical difficulties are so, too), but the major cause is a lack of demand (literally: the small market).

(d). 下から眺めるテレビ塔やイルミネーションの美しさもさることながら、展望台に登って眺める市の夜景もまた格別です。

The TV antenna tower and the lights on it viewed from below are a beautiful sight, but seeing the city at night from the observatory tower is really something special.

(e). この合作映画は、作品の完成度の高さもさることながら、文化の異なる二国が協力して一つの映画を完成させたという事実が非常に意義深い。

This jointly-produced movie is highly polished, but more importantly, the fact that two countries with different cultures worked together and completed a film (in and of itself) is quite significant.

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