㊤ ばかりに ←

→ ㊤ べからず・べからざる

㊤ ばこそ

Conjunction (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A conjunction that emphasizes a reason it is precisely because ~ that ~; only because ~; to the extent that ~
【Related Expression: からこそ】

Key Sentences

(ks). 環境保護を支持していればこそ植林に力を入れているのだ。

It is only because I support environmental protection so much that I put my efforts into planting trees.


(i){v/Adjective い} Conditional ばこそ  
読めばこそ It is only because someone reads something
面白ければこそ It is only because something is interesting
(ii){Adjective な stem/Noun} であればこそ  
元気であればこそ It is only because someone is healthy
先生であればこそ It is only because someone is a teacher


(a). 「愛」があればこそ生きる喜びがある。

Only because there is love is there joy for living.

(b). 膨大な電力の需要があればこそ原子力発電を開発せざるを得ないのだ。

It is precisely because of the enormous demand for electricity that we cannot help but develop atomic power plants.

(c). 中近東の和平を熱望すればこそ、国連の役割を強化しなければならないと思う。

It is only because I hope for peace in the Middle East as much as I do that I think we have to strengthen the role of the UN.

(d). 親友であればこそ君にこんなにずけずけとものが言えるんだよ。

It is precisely because I'm your close friend that I can talk straight to you like this.

(e). ビジョンを持った社長であればこそ社員は張り切って仕事をしているのだ。

It is precisely because he is a president with vision that his employees are working with high spirits.

(f). 人は一人でいるのが寂しければこそペットを飼うのだ。

To the extent a person feels lonely when he/she is alone, he/she will keep a pet.

(g). 言論が自由であればこそ民主主義は育っていくのである。

To the extent that there is freedom of speech, democracy will keep growing.

(h). 僕がこんなことを言うのも君を心配すればこそだ。

It is because I am really anxious about you that I am telling you such a thing.

Note image

㊤ ばかりに ←

→ ㊤ べからず・べからざる