㊤ (と言)ったらない ←

→ ㊤ は別として

㊤ はあれ

Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A phrase expressing the idea "even though there is something" Even though there is; although there is; there is~ but
【Related Expression: はあっても】

Key Sentences

(ks). インターフェースに若干の違いはあれ、この二つのプログラムは機能的には全く変わらない。

Although their interfaces are slightly different, these two programs are just the same in terms of their functions.


Noun はあれ  
いろいろ問題はあれ Even though there are various problems


(a). 歴史の違いはあれ、米国には120万を越す非営利団体(NPO)が存在します。

Although their histories are different (literally: there are differences in their histories), there are more than 1,200,000 non-profit organizations in America.

(b). ほとんどの者が、程度の差はあれ、マスメディアの影響を受けていると言える。

One can say that most people are affected by mass media, although there are differences in degree.

(c). レベルに違いはあれ、この課にいる者は全員英語を話せる。

Although their (skill) levels are different (literally: there are differences in their skill levels), everybody in this section can speak English.

(d). 海外旅行に興味はあれ、先立つ費用がない。

Even though I'm interested in traveling abroad, I don't have the money for it.

(e). 若干の不満はあれ、今の職場を離れるつもりはない。

Even though I have some complaints (literally: dissatisfaction), I don't intend to leave my current job.

(f). 今まで自分を使ってくれた上司に対して感謝する気持ちはあれ、非難する気持ちは全くありません。

I feel thankful for my boss, who has given me work to do all this time, and (literally: but) have no intention of criticizing him.

Note image

㊤ (と言)ったらない ←

→ ㊤ は別として