㊤ の無さ ←

→ ㊤ んとする

㊤ ~の~のと


A structure that states what is said by someone in order to express speaker's disagreement or dissatisfaction. Saying ~, ~, and so on; saying ~or~
【Related Expression: とか~とか; だの~だのと】

Key Sentences

(ksa). やったやらなかったのといつまで言っていても仕方がない。

It is no use talking endlessly about what you did or didn't do.

(ksb). いつまでも好きだ嫌いだのと言っていないで、早く結婚相手を決めなさい。

You should decide who you want to marry soon without saying all the time that you like (this one) or that you don't like (that one).

(ksc). 彼女はアパートの部屋が狭い場所が不便だのと文句ばかり言っている。

She is always complaining about how small her apartment is, how inconvenient the location is, or whatever.


(i)X(affirmation)X(negative) のと  
V1informal(affirmation)V2informal(negative)のと Where V1=V2  
できるできないのと Saying that something can be done or cannot be done
Adjective(い/な)1informalAdjective(い/な)2informal(negative)のと Where Adjective(い/な)1=Adjective(い/な)2  
おかしいおかしくないのと Saying that something is strange or not strange
好きだ好きじゃないのと Saying that someone likes something/someone or does not like it/him/her
Noun1だNoun2じゃないのと Where Noun1=Noun2
病気だ病気じゃないのと Saying that someone is ill or not ill
(ii)Adjective(い/な)1informal Adjective(い/な)2informalのと Where Adjective2=an antonym of adjective1
いい悪いのと Saying that something is good or bad
上手だ下手だのと Saying that someone is good at something or bad at it
(iii)Sentence1informal Sentence2informalのと  
部屋が狭い食事がまずいのと Saying that the room is small and that meals are bad, etc.


(a). 彼女は一緒に行く行かぬのといつまでも煮え切らない。

She can never decide whether she is going with me or not.

(b). 彼らは、誰がそのことをしゃべったしゃべらなかったのと言い争っている。

They are arguing over who leaked or didn't leak that information.

(c). 条件がいい悪いのといつまで言っていても仕方がない。

There's no point in discussing endlessly whether conditions are good or bad.

(d). 彼女はやっと就職できたのに、やれ場所が遠い給料が悪いのと文句ばかり言っている。

She finally found a job, but now she can't stop complaining about how far it is, how low the salary is, and so on and so on.

(e). コーチにフォームが悪い力が入りすぎているのとさんざん直された。

My coach kept correcting me, saying that my form was bad, I used too much force, and so on.

(f). 真理は婚約者の給料が安い背が低いのと勝手なことを言っている。

Mari is saying selfish things such as how low her fiancé's salary is, how short he is, etc.

Note image

㊤ の無さ ←

→ ㊤ んとする