An adverb indicating that something (including action/state) has a positive value which hasn't been reached, causing something negative. | Halfheartedly; slightly; thoughtlessly; unwisely; inadequately; imperfectly; sort of; a little; somewhat; a bit of |
【Related Expression: 中途-半端に/な; へたに】 | |
(ksa). 僕はなまじ(っか)英語ができるばかりに、会社で重宝がられて困っています。
Because I know a little English, the office treasures me, which is causing me problems.
(ksb). なまじ(っか){の/な}学問は、ひけらかすと人に軽蔑される。
People disdain those who show off (their scant knowledge) but are uneducated (literally: have inadequate scholarship).
(ksc). なまじ(っか)政治に手を出すのはやめた方がよい。
You'd better not get involved in politics half-heartedly.
(i)なまじ(っか) | ~Conjunction | |
なまじ(っか)できるから | Because someone can do something (a little) | |
なまじ(っか)安いために | Because something is (somewhat) cheap | |
なまじ(っか)美人なだけに | Because she is (sort of) a beauty | |
なまじ(っか)元気なので | Because someone is (sort of) healthy | |
なまじ(っか)でき{たら /ると} | If someone can do something (a little) | |
なまじ(っか){安かったら/安いと} | If something is (somewhat) cheap | |
なまじ(っか)美人だ{ったら /と} | If she is (sort of) a beauty | |
なまじ(っか)元気だ{ったら /と} | If someone is (basically) healthy | |
(ii)なまじ(っか) | {の/な}Noun | |
なまじ(っか){の/な}努力 | Halfthearted efforts | |
なまじ(っか){の/な}勉強 | Halfhearted study | |
(iii)なまじ(っか) | ~Vinformal nonpastのは~ | |
なまじ(っか)投資をするのは危ない。 | It's dangerous to invest halfheartedly |
(a). なまじっか手伝ってもらうより、一人でやった方が早くできそうです。
I think it'll be quicker to do it by myself than for someone to help me in a half-hearted way.
(b). 彼はなまじっか自信があるために、失敗した時にひどい挫折感を味わう。
Because he has only a little self-confidence, he experiences a horrible sense of failure when something doesn't work out.
(c). なまじっか財産など持っていたら、最低の人間になってしまうのではないかと思う。
I think that we turn into the worst people with just a bit of wealth.
(d). なまじ見る目が肥えてくると、アニメだったら何でもいいってわけにはいかなくなる。
When you acquire a bit of an eye for anime, you discover that not every work lives up to what it's supposed to be.
(e). なまじっか物を知ってる人よりは全然知らない人の方が、「知らないことを知る楽しみ」を感じられると思う。
I think that a person who knows nothing can feel "the joy of discovery (literally: of knowing what he doesn't know)" more than someone who knows a little bit.
(f). なまじ頭がいいと組織の中で協力して働くということが難しくなる。
If a person is somewhat bright, it is more difficult for him to work cooperatively in an organization.
(g). なまじっか元気だと、無理をしやすい。
If you are on the healthy side, you are apt to overexert yourself.
(h). 身体が健全に発達していなければ、なまじの美貌はかえって空しい。
If the body hasn't developed healthily, then superficial beauty is but a hollow thing.
(i). 電池式ブザーはなまじの武器よりも襲われた時に効果が高い上に、コストパフォーマンスに優れています。
A battery-operated buzzer is more effective when you are attacked than an ordinary weapon and, in addition, it is more cost effective.
(j). 体験者が語る真実は、なまじな小説よりも深く人の心を打つ。
The truth as told by someone who experienced it moves us more deeply than a mediocre novel.
(k). なまじ運動しているのがよくなかったんです。それを言い訳にして、以前よりもたくさん食べるようになってしまいました。
Doing a little exercise wasn't good, because I used it as my excuse for eating more than I used to.