Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)
An adverbial phrase expressing the speaker's feeling that although an ideal action or state isn't possible, at least next best action or state is or should be available. | May not~ but; even though~ not; although~ not |
(ksa). この公演は大成功とは言えないまでも、それなりの成果をもたらした。
Although you may not be able to call this public performance a great success, it produced results of a sort.
(ksb). 彼の論文は決して多くないまでも、その質は非常に高い。
Although he hasn't published many papers at all, the quality (of those he has published) is extremely high.
(i)Vnegative | ないまでも | |
行かないまでも | Someone may not go there, but | |
しないまでも | Someone may not do something, but | |
(ii)Adjectiveいstemく | ないまでも | |
よくないまでも | Something may not be good, but | |
(iii){Adjectiveなstem/ Noun} | {では/じゃ}ないまでも | |
元気{では/じゃ}ないまでも | Someone may not be peppy/healthy, but | |
病気{では/じゃ}ないまでも | Someone may not be ill, but |
(a). 「生命とはこういうものです」とは言えないまでも、「少なくともこうではありません」とは言えるようになってくるはずだ。
We may not be able to say, "This is what life is," but we should come to a point where we can say, "At least this is what it isn't."
(b). その彫刻は完璧とは言えないまでも、非常に可能性を感じさせる作品だった。
The sculpture may not be called a perfect work, but it is (literally: was) a work that makes you feel unusual potential.
(c). 虚偽だとは言わないまでも、かなり紛らわしい表現だ。
I can't go so far as to call this wording deceptive, but it sure is misleading.
(d). 中国語は漢字だから、読めないまでも意味はなんとなく分かるのだが、韓国語はまったく見当がつかない。
If it were written in Chinese I could get a sense of what it's saying because of the characters, even though I cannot read it, but I cannot make heads or tails of Korean.
(e). インターネットは完璧ではないまでも、生涯学習もしくは生涯教育のメディアとして、いろいろな可能性をもっています。
The Internet is not perfect, but it does have various possibilities as a medium for lifelong learning and/or teaching.
(f). 運命には逆らえないまでも、それを味方にすることはできる。
We may not be able to turn back Fate, but we can make it our friend.
(g). 大方の日本人なら、「源氏物語」の原文に目を通したとまではいかないまでも、どんな話なのかは知っているだろう。
I believe most Japanese, even though they may not have read the original Tale of Genji, know the basic plot of the story.
(h). 明日は天気がよくないまでも、気温はあまり低くなりません。
Although the weather may not be good, the temperature will not drop much.
(i). 彼は正直者じゃないまでも、嘘つきじゃない。
He may not be an honest person, but he isn't a liar.