Particle (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)
A particle indicating that something expressed by the preceding verb alone produces a certain feeling or the meaning "(not) even doing something; doesn't even occur". | Just; (not) even |
【Related Expression: だけでも; さえ; すら】 | |
(ksa). あの時の大きな失敗は思い出すだに恥ずかしい。
Just remembering the big mistake I made at that time makes me feel embarrassed.
(ksb). イチローが、84年間続いたジョージ・シスラーの最多安打記録を破るとは想像だにしなかった。
I couldn't (literally: didn't) even imagine that Ichiro would break George Sisler's 84-year-old record for the most hits in one season.
(i)Vinformal nonpast | だに | |
思うだに | Just to think | |
(ii)VN | だにしない | |
考慮だにしない | Someone doesn't even consider | |
注意だにしない | Someone doesn't even warn |
(a). 私の体脂肪率は今どれくらいあるんだろうか。考えるだに、恐ろしい。
I wonder what my percentage of body fat is right now? Just the thought of it scares me.
(b). 私が父の真似をしていたら、どんなことになったか。想像するだに心細いものがあります。
What would have happened if I had followed in my father's footsteps? Just imagining it makes me feel uneasy.
(c). この猛暑の中、友人は避暑地で休日を楽しんでいるとは、思うだにうらやましい。
It makes me envious just to think that my friend is enjoying her holiday at a summer resort while I'm stuck here in this scorching heat.
(d). アメリカの指導者たちの大多数は9/11のようなテロが発生する可能性を考慮だにしなかったらしい。
It appears that the majority of U.S. leaders didn't even consider the possibility that terrorism like 9/11 could occur.
(e). 若者たちは毎晩スケートボードで駅前のロータリーを走り回っているのに、警官は注意だにしない。
Every night the young men skateboard around the rotary in front of the station, but the police don't even warn them not to.
(f). 発表当時、彼の文献学的方法論は否定的評価を受けたが、彼の信念は微動だにしなかった。
His philological method received negative reviews at the time it was published, but his faith has not wavered even an inch.
(g). 小林は何か心配事があるのか、青い顔をして、こちらを一瞥だにしなかった。
Kobayashi looked pale and didn't even cast a glance in my direction, seeming as if something was bothering him.
(h). 人間は他の種を絶滅させるような環境を作り出しても一顧だにしない。
Even though humans have created an environment that drives other species into extinction, they don't give it a second thought.