㊤ ちなみに ←

→ ㊤ だけあって

㊤ だけ


A particle meaning "to the extent that someone (can/wants to) do something or something can happen. As much as; as~ as possible; as much as one wants

Key Sentences

(ksa). 若いうちに本を読めるだけ読んでおいた方がよい。

You'd better read as many books as you can while you are young.

(ksb). 食べるだけ食べると、お礼も言わずに帰ってしまった。

After he had eaten as much as he wanted, he went home without even thanking me.

(ksc). 食べたいだけ食べるのが僕のご主義です。

My principle is to eat as much as I want to.

(ksd). うちの子は背が伸びるだけ伸びた感じです。

It looks like my child has grown as much as he is going to.

(kse). 修士論文の内容についてできるだけ詳しく話して下さい。

Tell me about your MA thesis in as much detail as possible.


(i)V1 potential informal nonpast だけV2 Where V1=V2
食べられるだけ食べる Someone eats as much/many something as he or she can
(ii)V1 informal nonpast だけV2 Where V1=V2
言うだけ言う Someone says as much as he or she wants to say
(iii)V1 informal nonpast だけV2 Where V=non-volitional intransitive verb; where V1=V2
膨らむだけ膨らむ Something swells as much as it can
(iv)できるだけ Adjective い/な/Adverb  
できるだけ大きいケーキ As big a cake as possible
できるだけ速く歩く Walk as fast as someone can


(a). 昨日は寿司屋で寿司を食べられるだけ食べた。

Yesterday I ate as much sushi as I could at a sushi restaurant.

(b). 学生のうちに海外に行けるだけ行ってみたいと思います。

I think I want to go abroad as often as I can while I'm a student.

(c). 運転手さん、飛行機に遅れてしまうので、飛ばせるだけ飛ばして下さい。

Driver, I may miss my plane, so please go as fast as you can.

(d). 前から抱いていた不服を言うだけ言ったらすうっとした。

When I freely gave vent to my longstanding complaints (literally: as much as I wanted to) it felt so good.

(e). お金は使うだけ使っても故障の少ない車が買いたい。

I'd like to buy a trouble-free car no matter how much it costs.

(f). 昨日は寝たいだけ寝たので、心も体もすっきりした。

Yesterday I slept as much as I wanted, so my mind and body are refreshed.

(g). 痛風になった時、私の足の親指は腫れるだけ腫れてしまいました。

When I got gout my big toe really swelled up (literally: as much as it could swell).

(h). 今まで都会の真ん中でとてもうるさかったので、今度はできるだけ静かなところに住みたいです。

Until now, we have lived in the midst of a big, noisy town, so now we would like to live in as quiet a place as possible.

(i). この会社に入りたい理由、また入社したらやりたいことは何ですか。できるだけ具体的にお書き下さい。

Why do you want to join this company and what do you want to do once you join the company? Please write down your answers in as much detail as possible.

(j). その学会にはできるだけ出席するようにします。

I will do my best to attend the academic conference.

Note image

㊤ ちなみに ←

→ ㊤ だけあって