A phrase representing the idea that someone/something does something or is in a state in his/her/its own way, or in way suitable to situation or generally expected from situation. | In one's own way; accompanying; proportionate; suitable; expected; agreeable; reasonable; one's own; proper to |
【Related Expression: なりに/の】 | |
(ksa). 天才と言われる人にはそれなりの苦しみがあると思う。
I think people who are called geniuses suffer in their own way.
(ksb). クラシックもジャズもロックも、聞いてみればみなそれなりに面白い。
If you (really) listen to classical music, jazz and rock, each of them is interesting in its own way.
(i)それなりに | {V/Adjective(い/な)/Noun+Copula} | |
それなりに楽しめる | Something can be enjoyed in its own way | |
それなりに美味しい | Something is tasty in its own way | |
それなりに便利だ | Something is convenient in its own way | |
それなりに傑作だ | Something is an excellent work in its own way | |
(ii)それなりの | Noun | |
それなりの利点 | Merits proper to something |
(a). 外国で仕事をするのは面白いが、それなりの苦労は覚悟しなければならない。
Working abroad is interesting, but you must expect a certain amount of hardship, too.
(b). 買った参考書はどれもみなそれなりに役に立っている。
All the reference books I have bought have been helpful in their own way.
(c). 選手たちはみんなそれなりに精一杯やっている。ただ結果が出ないだけだ。
All the players are giving it their best in their own way. We just haven't had the (expected) result.
(d). お金がなくてもそれなりに余暇を楽しむ方法はある。
Even if you don't have money, there are ways to enjoy your leisure in your own way.
(e). ほとんどの人は、悩みや問題があってもそれなりに暮らしているのだと思います。
I think that even though most people have worries and problems, they are living the best they can (literally: in their own ways).
(f). 上の地位にいればそれなりの責任がかかってくる。
If you are in a high-ranking position, you have to assume the responsibilities that come with it.
(g). きつい仕事にはそれなりの報酬を払うべきだ。
For a tough assignment we should pay appropriate compensation.
(h). 今年それなりの成績を上げることができれば、来年支店長に昇進できそうだ。
If I can achieve the expected performance this year, it looks like I'll be promoted to branch manager next year.
(i). それなりの収入があるのなら、結婚相手はすぐ見つかるはずです。
If you have a reasonable income, you should be able to find someone to marry soon.
(j). 彼が準決勝まで残ったということは、それなりの実力があるということだ。
The fact that he made it to the semifinals means that he had the right skills to take him that far.
(k). 彼女がみんなに好かれていないのはそれなりの理由がある。
There's a reason no one likes her (literally: she is not liked by everyone).