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㊤ きらいがある

Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A phrase indicating that someone or something has an undesirable tendency. Have a tendency to; tend to; have a touch of~; have a dash of~; smack of~; be slightly~
【Related Expression: がち; 傾向がある】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼は物事を単純に考えるきらいがある

He has a tendency to think (about things) in simplistic terms.

(ksb). 彼は独断のきらいがある

He is slightly dogmatic (literally: has a touch of dogmatism).


(i)Vinformal きらいがある  
結論を{急ぐ/急いだ}きらいがある Someone has/had a tendency to reach a conclusion hastily (literally: to hurry to reach a conclusion)
飲み{すぎる/すぎた}きらいがある Someone has/had a tendency to drink too much
(ii)Nounの きらいがある  
過食のきらいがある Someone has a tendency toward overeating
誇張のきらいがある Something smacks of exaggeration


(a). 我々はとかく自分に都合がいい意見だけに耳を傾けるきらいがある

We tend to listen only to views that are convenient for us.

(b). 今の子供たちは、夜遅くまでコンピュータゲームなどをして寝ないきらいがある

Children these days have a tendency to stay up late at night playing computer games and doing other things.

(c). 主婦は毎日の雑事に追われて、自分の体調管理がおろそかになるきらいがある

Housewives have a tendency to neglect taking care of their own health because they are busy doing everyday chores.

(d). 彼女は親切な人ですが、知らずに人を傷つけることを言うきらいがあります

She is a kind person, but she has a tendency to say things unwittingly that hurt people.

(e). 私たちは、あまりに自分のからだを医者任せにしてきたきらいがあるのではないでしょうか。

Don't you think that we have tended to entrust (the care of) our bodies too much to doctors?

(f). これまでの日本の高等教育は、アジアとの共生を重視しなかったきらいがある

Japanese higher education so far has tended to attach little importance to Japan's coexistence with Asia.

(g). 現在の日本の教育は、子供を社会から保護しすぎるきらいがある

Education in Japan today tends to overprotect children from society.

(h). 彼は家庭環境が複雑なせいか、人間不信のきらいがある

Because he was brought up in a complicated family setting, he tends not to trust people (literally: tends towards mistrust of humans).

(i). 彼は頭もよくて、仕事もばりばりやるけど、八方美人のきらいがある

He is sharp and works furiously, but he has a tendency to try to be everything to everybody.

(j). 健康診断で白内障のきらいがあると医者に言われました。

When I had a physical check-up, the doctor told me that I have cataracts developing.

(k). 糖尿病のきらいがあるので、甘いものは控えています。

I have a borderline case of diabetes (literally: have a tendency towards diabetes), so I am refraining from eating sweets.

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